bell let's talk

Improv for The Marilyn Denis Show

What happens when you email your anxiety class students and ask them to be on national TV, playing silly games, in the middle of a workday, on two days’ notice? Well, if they’ve done improv, apparently they say “Yes!” “And… “ they’ll even be interviewed!

I’m always a little nervous about being on TV, but it helps to have a supportive group of friends playing silly games and laughing behind you.

How I Got Over My Anxiety, Part 3: Meditation.

Ugh, a whole post on meditation. Might skip this one. Chances are, if you’re anxious, you don’t like the idea of meditation. Being alone with my thoughts? No thank you. I spend all day trying to drown them out. The constant, incessant thoughts are what I hate, and what I’m hoping you’ll eventually (Part 18?) tell me how to stop.