Doing stuff is exhausting.

A lot of people feel like they have to earn their time off. Work hard, then you can have a vacation. I’m not going to argue with that, but I’m going to remind you how much work you do every single day. Let’s take this simple task: You need to get milk.

100 ways to play (in the real world) - Animal Edition!

100 ways to play (in the real world) - Animal Edition!

Couldn't do a list of ways to play without checking in with the experts. They make it look so natural.

100 Ways to Play (in the Real World) - Holiday Edition!

100 Ways to Play (in the Real World) - Holiday Edition!

Ho, ho, hope these help make this time of year a little more fun. This post is a bit different in that it’s not exactly ways to play, but how to play in those somewhat stressful holiday situations where you might not be playing.

100 Ways to Play (in the Real World) - Part 31-40

100 Ways to Play (in the Real World) - Part 31-40

Despite how little many of us feel like playing right now with everything going on in the world, here’s some forced positivity in the next instalment of ways to play. Enjoy!

100 Ways to Play! (in the Real World) – Part 21-30.

100 Ways to Play! (in the Real World) – Part 21-30.

Hey, you’re back! Sweet. Okay, stop juggling your new pets, you show-off. Let’s find some more fun for you to have. With lists!

100 ways to play! (in the Real World) - Part 1-10

100 ways to play! (in the Real World) - Part 1-10

Improv class is fun, but how do play in the real world? The world outside this class that seems to hate when people have fun and just wants everyone to ‘Get back to work!’” Well, here’s a list of a hundred ways to play. Simple things you can do to have fun in the “real” world.

Take the long weekend off.

It’s the long weekend! The dreaded long weekend.

You see, for people with noisy minds, it’s hard to shut them off. In fact, they don’t shut off. Brains don’t shut off. Which is a good thing, in the grand scheme of staying alive, but not great if you’re the kind of person who listens to all of the constant thoughts. And if you’re reading this blog, I assume you are that kind of person.

Fuck coping.

During a recent TV interview about improv helping with anxiety, the reporter asked/told me, “But you’re not saying this is a cure, it’s just another thing you can do as therapy. It’s a way to cope.”

I hate the word cope. Coping. Barf.

The disappointing follow-up to The Office.

Positive Thinking: Cameron, post this and you might help people. Or get a million likes. Or hits. Or whatever happens in blog world to let you know you’re worth something.

Realistic Expectation: Cameron, probably very few people will read this, and chances are you’ve said this stuff before and it’s not that helpful. And you smell.

How I Got Over My Anxiety, Part 7: Accepting myself as I am right now.

When we last left off, Cameron had just taken several flights to face his fears. He decided he was finally strong enough to live with and accept himself. And now the exciting conclusion!

How I Got Over My Anxiety, Part 6: Facing Fear.

After I cracked my head open, I decided it was time to change. Head crackings will do that. Good motivators.